Pine Street Press is run by Nat Brennan and Avery Shaw in Providence, Rhode Island.

Nat and Avery love Providence more than anything and are excited to share with you the work they’ve made here, for here, and about here.

Nat Brennan is a printmaker, quilter, ceramic-maker, and illustrator. They are also an arts educator. Their work is structured around the intersection of comfort and guilt while focusing on trans and queer narratives.

Avery June Shaw is an artist and graphic designer. She focuses on interactive research, information equity, and the little ways we can make something fair. She is also an avid jewelry-maker and shell-collector.

Thimble is a cat that lives in Providence, Rhode Island. She loves kibbles, strawberry toys, and her pizza bed. She loves to monitor the creative process by sitting directly on top of the materials.

Photo by Gregory Shark



Open to commissions!!!! Email!!!!